See photos (7)

Graff' à Montauban - les chantiers ERDF

Historic site and monument, Historic patrimony, Fresco/wall painting, Street art in Montauban
  • The "ERDF sites" project is to make adolescents, who will have participated in this project, relay messages of prevention on acts of incivility.

  • The main objectives of this project:
    - To sensitize young people against the degradation of materials and public goods.
    - Awareness and appropriation of rules by adolescents.
    - Make teenagers who have participated in this project relays messages of prevention on acts of incivility.

    Since 2011, eight transformers have been embellished thanks to the partnership between ENEDIS, HALL-TIMES and the Grand Montauban Communauté d'Agglomération.
    The construction sites are realized during the...
    The main objectives of this project:
    - To sensitize young people against the degradation of materials and public goods.
    - Awareness and appropriation of rules by adolescents.
    - Make teenagers who have participated in this project relays messages of prevention on acts of incivility.

    Since 2011, eight transformers have been embellished thanks to the partnership between ENEDIS, HALL-TIMES and the Grand Montauban Communauté d'Agglomération.
    The construction sites are realized during the school holidays. Two projects are realized per year. The latter are organized either at the request of the colleges or at the suggestion of the animators asked by the young people.

    Young people are identified in the schools by the principals and the educational team and the mediator facilitators of the youth and sport directorate. These students in situation:
    of school failure, violence, incivility, absenteeism are directed on the building sites
    The group is composed upstream of the construction site so that the young people can participate in the preparations of the construction site with the team of supervising animators (ideas of the young people, realization of models, necessary material ...).

    Constitution of groups of young people who can work to beautify collective spaces around a two-stage program:
    - A time of preparation of the construction site organized and followed by the animators and the technical services of the city followed by the realization of the building site.
    - Leisure time to entertain and promote learning of community life in consultation with young people; animated and supervised by the animation team.

    At the end of the project, a return to the heads of schools and educational teams on the "Progression" of young people is organized.

    It is Julien Avignon of "hall times" the service provider who ensures the follow-up and the realization of these graffs accompanied by a facilitator mediator of the college.He has a pedagogical approach where he integrates Graff's techniques, the group's cohesion, teamwork for rendering solidarity. He integrates young people from the beginning of the project to the proposal of the model until the realization while having a professional rendering.

    Location of Graff ':
    - 2 transformers Avenue André Jorigné.
    - 1 Northern Route transformer
    - 1 transformer Avenue de Paris
    - 1 transformer Rue Léo Lagrange
    - 2 transformers Rue Henri Dunant
    - 1 transformer Avenue of Europe.
  • All year 2025
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